karvaturrit.net forums we've had days when people (who like to participate) are supposed to take a picture per hour during the time they're awake. I decided to participate this time (I believe it's 5-6 years since I participated such day last time), here are my photos from today showing you what have I done:

This picture was taken around at
12:40am when Anni kindly reminded me (I don't have that good of a memory) that it's time to take the first picture for today. I've used to play Jigsaw Too Photo Edition -named MSN puzzle game on MSN with some of my friends sometimes so that's what I was doing this night aswell, talking randomly to some friends through MSN. Drinking water from a bottle (showing in the picture aswell).
1:47am still with the puzzles.. Gotta mention that the person who I was doing them with (Elias) has gotten a lot better at making them by now. From 200 pieces he actually gets around 50-60 successfully already, when I take the rest 140-150. :D Thumbs up for him.
2:48am going outside with the dogs. First I thought of taking Veila outside only because I saw her waking up and going to drink water -> Meaning she's gonna pee soon anyways. I gave her my keys so she'd stay in the picture and during the little moment I was taking some picture of her, Nadja decided to mention on her own way that she wants to come with us. I ended up taking all the three dogs with me for a short walk outside. Have to admit that I love being outside at night time, then there usually is no one and you can walk your dogs in peace.
3:34am trying to socialize with our hamster Vyylia since she had been awake for the last 2-3 hours.. I must admit that I don't understand much about hamsters so luckily her co-owner Anni does. At least I got her out of the cage and I was petting her for a while without her escaping from me (she tends to do that for some reason and she tried it this time aswell). Titja gets always restless when I'm doing something with my rodents so she was watching my every movement with the hamster once again. Luckily so far she hasn't tried to hunt the rodents at least when I'm close to her. Anni mentioned once that Titja tried tasting Vyylia when she let the dog close our enough to our hamster.
4:53am and probably lasting some time after 5am aswell. I really don't know why but I have a need to chat with people through my mobile phone before I can fall asleep. It's like some people must read a book etc. Being all honest I should try and stop doing this, I end up falling asleep on people who I'm talking with anyways - randomly. Oh well..
And yes heh heh. "Ooops", it was already over 5am when I fell asleep..
That's something else I should concentrate on, going to sleep earlier. But I guess it's okay for now, I don't have to go anywhere early at the morning anyways. And even if I had to, I can easily manage to wake up for that stuff. :)
Well, good night!
Good morning, sunshine! Nadja staring at me arond at
11:56am if it's the time to get up already. Yeah, my dogs tend to sleep on the bed with me.. Such batteries - they love being close to me so I can tell that I don't feel cold at nights.
12:36am Veila came to tell us to finally get up from the bed. She doesn't sleep on the bed with me, Nadja and Titja (just yet).. Normally she goes under the bed and sleeps there, then wakes up and jumps against the bed to poke me with her front paws while yawning extremely loudly. In the picture Nadja already leaving the bedroom, Titja probably left already but puppy still there to tell me her lovely Good Morning.
Getting up and going to walk the dogs right after.
1:54pm I'm addicted to writing letters nowadays.. So that's what I was doing today aswell.. Mostly I write my letters in English (surprisingly), this time writing a letter to my friend who lives in Poland.
2:49pm.. Shortly: Taking a shower. Guess I don't have to explain this better.
3:42pm. Outside with the dogs. My mom asked me to take some photos of her with Veila & my other dogs aswell so we went to take them outside. I don't live with my mom anymore but she lives really close to me, I can basically walk to her apartment in a less than 5 minutes. Once we were done our stick-maniac Titja found a random stick from somewhere and all three dogs were having some random fun with it. I let Titja & Veila to run free for a moment and just walked Nadja around, I don't trust her at all to let her free during daytime in such a place where she can cause a lot of chaos. She always notices every single stuff 0,5 seconds before me and that's where the drama begins. Those are another stories then..
4:34pm Anni came over and wanted to watch a VHS-movie. She picked Pokémon 2 -movie so I fought some time with my VHS system to get it to work. In the picture she's trying to get a nice photo of the movie (for this same photo shooting day, more in
her own blog) with Veila laying on her stomach. :D Apparently my mom called me and asked if we're going with her or not - she's used to drive us to school since we're going to the same evening school with her nowadays. We were supposed to be at her place half past four already so we got into a hurry.
5:15pm I was alone at school. I'm used to go there earlier than I should so I don't have to use my money for bus later. My mom's and Anni's first classes start at 5pm. I usually go into the "waiting room", get some hot chocolate from the coffee machine and start doing my Spanish homework or writing letters again. This time I continued the letter I started writing earlier today and I even succeeded to finish it. I found it hard to write a letter for this friend since I'm not always sure what he's interested about and what not. Also, music <3

Picture taken at
6:52pm before my the one and only lesson began. Anni's German lesson ended around at 6:40pm, I had been walking around the school before that taking random pics of the apartment for fun since I finished the letter so early. We took some pics of each other outside and tried to go see if we could reach my mom aswell but her second lesson had begun already.
Right after that it was our turn to get into the classroom - which actually is the school's auditorium! I like to have our lessons in there, a lot place and people don't have to be so close to each other. Almost forgot to mention, we are learning Spanish. I've never been that good with foreign languages specially what comes to learning new ones, but I'm trying to give this a good try. We just started these lessons at the evening school like 3 weeks ago so we don't know much yet. Eventually we'll learn.
7:24pm at Spanish class. "Hoy es martes" was what we were going through today.. Singing the Happy Birthday -song in Spanish aswell.
8:50pm in the market right before it closes (which happens at 9 o'clock). I guess we both - me and Anni - got kinda sleepy during the Spanish class so I promised myself to do my homework really well at home so I can keep it up with the studying. I changed a few words about Spanish as a language (differences between Spain's Spanish and Mexican Spanish) with our teacher before we had to hurry into the market so we could buy some groceries.
Anni wanted to take a pic of me next to random Taco-stuffs etc because they got something to do with our Spanish thing, I believe. I look so funny in the market, it's like a place where I don't belong at all.. Knowing I'm not a kitchen-person either, I always end up fucking something up.
9:30pm finally home. We had to use a local bus this time because my mom told us that she was going to visit some friend after her school (which ends earlier than ours) so she wouldn't be there to drive us back. At my place were 5 happy tails waving and welcoming us back. I was glad to notice that there weren't any pee on the floor. Great Veila! <3 We took all of the dogs outside once we arrived at home but didn't let them to play this evening like normally we have done.
10:30pm happened something you shouldn't be watching.. I was making some pasta food for myself to eat because I haven't eaten anything in a whole day (more bad habits, yay). Almost burned it, hahah. Guess I just mentioned that making food isn't anything that I should be doing.. I just mess things up.
Anni stayed at my place so she could finish watching that Pokémon 2 -movie we started earlier. She took the photo of me aswell.
Of course I always have 3 curious faces watching what am I doing. Mostly I don't let Titja or any of my dogs that close to me when I'm making food but now I didn't care so much about it. I'm just afraid of myself causing some chaos in my little kitchen while I'm there and them getting hurt somehow. That hasn't happened at least yet though. Oh and.. Please do not ask what are the rodents' travelling boxes doing in my kitchen. I really don't know!
11:28pm Anni left. Before that she threw her bag on my puppy who didn't care about such and kept staring at us with "It's good here! What are you looking at?" -expression in her face. Once Anni was gone with her dogs I got to give my dogs their quite late evening food before the day changed..
So yeah, I guess that's all about it for today. Thursday is another story then. :)